Thursday, February 21, 2013

A Hero, A Murderer

Oscar Pistorius became an inspiration when he competed in the 2012 Olympics as a sprinter for South Africa. He doesn't have legs but he has prosthetic legs which he used to run. His story touched many people and even though he didn't win many people considered him a hero and a silhouette of a hero. However, he's now being called a murderer. On February 14, 2013 Oscar Pistorius shot his girlfriend dead in their home they shared together in South Africa. Pistorius claimed that he thought an intruder was in the bathroom when he awakened and he didn't have his legs on so he grabbed the gun he had near by him and shot. His girlfriend was actually the person who was in the bathroom and the shots hit and killed her. Oscar Pistorius was charged with premeditated murder of his 29 year old girlfriend. There were past reports that Oscar and his girlfriend had domestic violence and police were called to their home. Prosecutors say the shooting happened after the couple got into an argument and that the murder was on purpose.

I thought that this was an absolutely shocking story! I am really into track, I used to run in high school and took it pretty seriously. I was so happy that Oscar had made it to the Olympics and I was cheering for him to do well. I thought it was such a great story to inspire people to never give up. Now that I hear that he had killed his girlfriend is just crazy to me. Mind you, him and his girlfriend lived in that house alone. So why would he think it's an intruder as soon as he woke up? Wouldn't he look right beside him and see that his girlfriend is not laying beside him and assume that his girlfriend is the one in the bathroom? Couldn't he of called out her name or asked who was in the bathroom before he shot? Honestly, none of this is making any sense and I think he knows that. I was listening to the radio and apparently there had been rumors that his girlfriend was seeing somebody else. Maybe Oscar got jealous or enraged about this rumor and got into an argument with her.

Oscar shot his girlfriend on purpose. I don't care if you disagree with me, but his story doesn't make any sense. I think it was premeditated. Now he has to deal with the consequences of what he did. What a sad story. And even if he does get the charge of manslaughter his name is forever tarnished.

1 comment:

  1. This is a crazy story--I never know what to believe when I read these things!

