Monday, January 28, 2013

The Celebrity Brawl

New reports from TMZ says that Artists, Chris Brown and Frank Ocean, had an "All out brawl" this past Weekend. Sources say that they have allegedly fought over a parking spot at Westlake studio out in L.A. Police are calling Frank Ocean "the victim" because he was the only person who stuck around to give a report and his side of the story. Frank's side of the story was that there was a parking spot that Chris wanted and when Frank said, "No." Chris retaliated by punching him. Six of Chris's friends had also joined in the fight and jumped Frank Ocean. TMZ was told that Frank Ocean so far hasn't pressed any charges on Chris, and no arrests have been made. However, sources had told TMZ that it was in fact Frank who started this fight. Frank and his crew had blocked Chris from leaving the studio and Frank had hit Chris triggering the brawl. After the fact Frank had tweeted this:
"got jumped by chris and a couple guys. lol, I only wish everest (his dog) was there." and "cut my finger now I can't play w two hands at the grammys." Although Chris Brown doesn't have control of his twitter anymore he does control his instagram posting this picture of him and his crew at the studio. His caption read, "Working on my album. Not working on negativity. Focus on feeding ya family. Bullshit will forever be in the shadows."
Chris brown and his crew at the studio
First off let me just come right out and say this because I feel as though somebody should say it... What the hell is this fight even about? Yes, it is a stupid story to write about, but I just wanted to go on a little rant about how stupid people can be. Over a parking spot? Really you guys? Like you guys have, in my opinion, the best living style in the world and you want to argue over a parking spot? How lame is that. This just gets under my skin a little bit, yet it also makes me chuckle. This is too ridiculous on both ends. Either story I read from TMZ is just absurd, both of them are acting Hollywood. One thinks they're better then the other. I am a fan of Frank and Chris's, but both of them acted so immature. They are both grown male adults and should act accordingly. I think both of their egos got in the way and ended in a  physical altercation. I'm pretty sure that Chris Brown is still on probation from him assaulting Rhianna, so I have no idea why he thinks he can fight and get away with it. Again, going back to the fact that he is acting "Hollywood" meaning he thinks he's above the law and thinks he should be treated with special privileges.

I want to find out what really happened, and who really started it. I think in either situation it's so dumb of them, but that's just me. I hope that in the future they can get past this ordeal and actually make a song with one another. I think the two of them combined in a song would be epic and I would actually look forward to it. In this incident I side with Frank Ocean more over Chris Brown just because of the fact I'm more of a Frank Ocean fan than a Chris Brown fan. Frank also seems like a very sweet and kind heart-ed person. So to hear sources tell TMZ that it was he who started the problem is actually shocking. Then again who can really rely on sources from TMZ? I could see Chris starting it because of his past aggressions towards Rhianna and his rants on Twitter before he lost control of what he tweeted. However, you never know. I mean I personally don't know either of them so I can't really say who has more aggression or who would of most likely started the brawl, but what I can assume is that Chris Brown would be the runner up. Who could you see starting the fight? Leave a comment below!

1 comment:

  1. I hate reading stories like this because, honestly, it's just giving these guys attention for being jerks. Ugh.

