Saturday, January 19, 2013

A debocale for Manti Te'o?

A recent article from, E News Online,  states that Notre Dame linebacker, Manti Te'o, was essentially "Catfished." Te'o had claimed, right before a big game, that his grandmother and his girlfriend had passed away the same day. Te'o played well in his game and won a No.2 Heisman ranking before the truth had come out. The story about his grandmothers passing was very much true. However, his girlfriend dying on the other hand was fake. In fact, his girlfriend was fake altogether! Apparently, Te'o had been dating his so called girlfriend, Lennay Kekua, for months, but she was made up. Sources are still unclear if Te'o thought Lennay was an actual person he was dating and was dead, or somebody he had made up and used just for attention. After he was exposed Te'o claimed that he had been Catfished, meaning he had a relationship with this women over the internet but has never met or seen her physically in person. This hoax has hindered his career by closing endorsement deals he could of had. Manti has yet to do an interview explaining all of this chaos of a story this turned out to be.

I personally don't see how Manti Te'o didn't know this Lennay character wasn't fake. I can't believe that he wouldn't of been on Skype or Oovoo with her. If you're dating somebody, long distance or not, and you have a laptop or any computer with a camera, there is really no reason why Te'o couldn't see who she really was. I feel as though Manti Te'o had made up this whole story so people would feel bad for him, get a No. 2 Heisman ranking and to draw attention to himself. Well played if that was his goal because now all of the attention is on him. It's common sense in a person that if you have never met your significant other in person and you have been dating for a couple of months, something is wrong in that picture. If he did make this whole story up I wonder what his excuse would be. I wonder if he would just let everybody know that he just wanted attention.

On the other side of things there is a good chance that Manti could possibly be telling the truth. What if he didn't know that his girlfriend was actually somebody else pretending to be Lennay? In the article I read the writer said Manti could of simply felt embarrassed that he was catfished and just said she had died so that nobody would ask about her. Even if he did find out about his girlfriend being fake and not really being her, that gives him no right to go out and tell t.v cameras that your girlfriend had died. Why bring your girlfriend up in the first place? Either way I still feel as though Manti was just simply looking for attention and pity from others. If people didn't find out that this story was actually false, I think he would of been rewarded ever more that he already has been. I look forward to seeing how this all plays out for Manti and interested in seeing if he really made this up. I wonder how he'll get himself out of this mess!

1 comment:

  1. This is one of the weirdest news stories, right? I can't make sense of it.

    Great first blog, this will be a fun topic to read.

