Friday, April 12, 2013

The Final Blog

When given the assignment to write a blog once a week for the semester I didn't really mind doing it. English is my favorite subject, and when I get to write or read what I want I don't mind it really. I did something similar to this in high school so I knew that this would be an easy task for me. I'm kind of into celebrity gossip, yes, I'm guilty of that, but I don't actually go online and look them up. I just so happen to either stumble across an article, or hear about it on social networks or friends. I also always hear about urban gossip and hip hop celebrities because that's where my interest lies. Through this semester I also learned about what other celebrities gossip was and some I found were pretty shocking. Like the whole Demi Moore and wanting spousal support was funny and shocking.

Blogging is cool from time to time. Would I invest time into it every week? Probably not, but if I were to get paid for blogging that would be awesome and I would really invest time and way more effort into it, for obvious reasons. Who wouldn't want to be earning money for voicing their opinions about something?! I was also watching this tv show, I forget the name of it, but it had a few females on their that had blogs that made them money. They were gossip blogs for hip-hop media and they were making pretty good money. That got me thinking that maybe I could own my own blog and it actually be successful. Then I thought that would take a lot of my time and right now I don't feel like taking that time ha!

Overall, this little blog project was a nice way to find out about what the new drama was going on in Hollywood. It made me see how 'Hollywood' celebrities can be, and just how ridiculous people can act. I actually plan on visiting California this summer and I can't wait to see how people act over there. I heard that it's a completely different culture out there, and from reading these stories I wouldn't even be surprised!

1 comment:

  1. It's been great to keep up on some of these stories through your blog! I can see not wanting to keep it up every week, but it can be a good outlet.

