Thursday, March 7, 2013

Jealous Demi?

Demi Moore wants spousal support from former husband Ashton Kutcher. Oddly enough, Demi is worth way more than Ashton. So it's not like she needs his money at all when she's already worth millions. I have a feeling that Demi is just trying to keep Ashton around as long as she can. I mean she's clearly still in love with him! That is sad of her to do though. She knows she doesn't need support from him, I think that she is just trying to find any excuse to get revenge and to keep him around.

Demi needs to get over Ashton. Yes, you were in love with a very handsome young man. Yes, you guys were together for a long time. Yes, you guys did have something special, but unfortunately, that is over. Don't try to find any excuse to keep Ashton around. That just looks desperate on your part, and a female looking desperate is not a good look. Besides what possible reason would you need his money for? To spend it on things that you don't need? Just let him go and move on already!

Demi Moore is so pretty, and she ages so well. She can get any other man that she wanted. I don't know for sure if she's seeking spousal support because she wants to get back at Ashton or to keep him around. Maybe in her mind she feels as though she deserves the money to support her. Whatever the reason is I think it's petty of her to even file those papers. If I were Ashton I'd probably think she must of lost her mind thinking she'd get spousal support from me. I feel as though celebrities do the dumbest things for attention.

1 comment:

  1. I kind of laughed when I first read that she wants spousal support! It doesn't make any sense.

